accessibility statement
We want everyone who visits the textBOX website to feel welcome and find the experience enjoyable and helpful.
How to get the best from this site?
You can personalise your view of the site in different ways:
More comfortable viewing
Change the default font size – change default font in mobile or tablets or change default font in your browser.
Magnifying the whole screen – magnify on mobiles/tablets or magnify the screen on a computer in zoom in or out on the browser page using [CTRL] and + or -.
We have designed the site to meet colour contrast guidelines but you can change the colors if you have other preferences.
These web pages work with browser plugins such as Chrome’s HighContrast or ScreenShader plugins or Midnight Lizard for FireFox.
The pages render well with the inbuilt Reader View in FireFox and Safari and the Reader View plugin for Chrome.
Listen to content on these web pages using your device’s inbuilt text to speech or browser plugins like Google Chrome Selection Reader.
All parts of the website – including menu sub-items - should be reachable using keystrokes like Tab, Arrow keys, Enter and Escape. This benefits people who prefer not to use mouse or touch gestures.
The Tab order is logical and predictable, making it easier for non-mouse users.
Navigation is consistent from page to page.
Keyboard-only users can easily see where the current Tab focus has got to.
A sitemap is available to navigate to every page of the site.
We’ve used structural headings to help navigation within long pages.
Things you might struggle with
We are aware that the templates used by our website provider are not responsive. When you magnify the content it will not reflow.
Problems or issues.
We want to make the textBOX websites, including Described, ASPIRE and searchBOX, a great experience for our visitors. If any of the identified issues make it difficult to get the information you need then please contact us directly.
How we assessed the website
We used a mixture of
automated testing (WAVE tool, Chrome Lighthouse and SiteImprove accessibility checker),
manual checking on Chrome, FireFox and Opera.
Text to speech compatibility with Google Chrome Selection Reader, the ATbar (Desktop version) and Orato.
Heading structure using the HeadingsMap plugin.
We are proud to support the Publishing Accessibility Action Group Charter as an ally.
This accessibility statement was prepared and published on 28 August 2019.
Updated on 12 January 2023