ASPIRE report

Manchester University Press
ASPIRE Review Date
ASPIREscore (%)
Publisher Update?**
URL Update Date
Updated URL
The Communication section assesses the Accessibility Statement for its provision of information and level of contact information availability.​
Accessibility Information - Discoverability
ASPIRE criteria. Is the accessibility information discoverable on the publisher website?
Accessibility information is easy to find. If yes, 2 points.
Accessibility information is difficult to find. If yes, 1 point.
Accessibility information not found. If yes, 0 points.
Accessibility Information - Currency
ASPIRE criteria. When was the information last updated?
Last updated within the last year. If yes, 2 points.
Last updated more than a year ago. If yes, 1 point.
No information available. If yes, 0 points.
Contact Information
ASPIRE criteria. What level of contact information is provided by the publisher?
Contact details include specific options (e.g. named person / phone / dedicated accessibility email). If yes, 2 points.
Contact details include a generic contact option (e.g. main switchboard number). If yes, 1 point.
No contact details available. If yes, 0 points.
Response Times
ASPIRE criteria. Does the publisher specify target fulfilment times for provision of accessible content (i.e. not just an email autoresponder acknowledgement)?
Accessibility information includes target fulfilment times of 1 - 5 business days. If yes, 3 points
Accessibility information includes target fulfilment times of 6 - 10 business days. If yes, 2 points.
Accessibility information includes target fulfilment times of 11+ business days If yes, 1 point.
No information available on response times. If yes, 0 points.
The Content Information section assesses the Accessibility Statement for the level of information provided about content files and user permissions.
Digital rights management (DRM) - Commercial Content
ASPIRE criteria. Does the publisher employ DRM for sales of their titles through third parties?
DRM is not applied OR, where DRM is applied, all current publishing includes DRM-free versions available on platforms for print disabled readers such as Bookshare or RNIB Bookshare etc. [2]
DRM is applied to all content and the DRM restrictions are clearly explained. [1]
There is no information on DRM. [0]
Digital rights management (DRM) - Content Requests
ASPIRE criteria. Does the publisher supply DRM-free ebook files upon request for accessible copies?
Yes, DRM-free files are available upon request. [2]
No, DRM-free files are not available. [1]
No information on file supply. [0]
Available formats
ASPIRE criteria. Which ebook formats are made available by the publisher?
Available formats are listed (e.g. PDF, HTML, EPUB2, EPUB3) with accessibility recommendations. If yes, 2 points.
Available formats are listed (e.g. PDF, HTML, EPUB2, EPUB3) but no accessibility recommendations. If yes, 1 point.
There is no information on the formats supplied. If yes, 0 points.
Image descriptions
ASPIRE criteria. Does the publisher provide information about the inclusion of image descriptions in their ebooks?
Detailed information on image descriptions (e.g. Alt text / Long Descriptions / Captions). If yes, 3 points.
Generic information on image descriptions. If yes, 2 points.
Image descriptions planned for next 6 - 12 months. If yes, 1 point.
No information on image descriptions. If yes, 0 points.
ASPIRE criteria. Does the publisher provide information about navigational tagging, keyboard navigation and reading order in their ebooks?
Information is available on navigational tagging (e.g. heading levels, hyperlinks), keyboard navigation AND reading order. If yes, 3 points.
Information available on structural tagging, keyboard navigation OR reading order. If yes, 2 points.
Navigation options are planned for next 6 - 12 months. If yes, 1 point.
No information available on heading structure or reading order. If yes, 0 points.
Magnification + Reflow
ASPIRE criteria. Does the publisher provide information about magnification and reflow in their ebooks?
Information available on magnification and reflow. If yes, 3 points.
Information available on magnification. If yes, 2 points.
Magnification and reflow options are planned for next 6 - 12 months. If yes, 1 point.
No information is available on magnification and reflow. If yes, 0 points.
Copying + Printing
ASPIRE criteria. Does the publisher provide information about copying and print limits in their ebooks?
Specific information available on copy/print limits (e.g. pages or percentages). If yes, 2 points.
Generic information available on copy/print limits. If yes, 1 point.
No information available on copy/print limits. If yes, 0 points.
The Interaction section assesses the Accessibility Statement for the details it provides regarding the publisher's engagement with accessibility services and their licensing terms.
Engagement with accessibility services
ASPIRE criteria. Does the publisher work with accessibility services to provide accessible content?
Deeply engaged with multiple international accessibility services (such as RNIB Bookshare, or Bookshare (US)) (e.g. large number of titles or automated supply service). [4]
Some engagement with national accessibility services evidenced. [2]
Currently in negotiation to provide content to accessibility services. [1]
No mention of any services. [0]
Licensing Terms + Conditions
ASPIRE criteria. Does the publisher provide up to date licence terms and conditions on their website?
Licence terms are clear and easy to meet. If yes, 2 points.
Licence terms are clear but include inappropriate elements. If yes, 1 point.
No licence or terms and conditions available. If yes, 0 points.
Licenses + Privacy
ASPIRE criteria. Do licence terms and conditions on the website include the level of private data required from the disabled student?
Licence terms and conditions require minimal or no personal details. If yes, 3 points.
Licence terms and conditions require personal details acceptable to the learning provider. If yes, 2 points.
Licence terms and conditions require intrusive personal details. If yes, 1 point.
No licence terms or conditions available. If yes, 0 points.
** Publisher Update
If a publisher has updated their accessibility statement but does not wish to be ASPIREverified we are happy to include reference to their updated statement by referencing the updated URL link. If the "Publisher Update?" option is "yes" then the URL has been updated by the publisher but is not ASPIREverified.